Outdoor Video Primer
Video has completely taken over your browser. Netflix is using streaming distribution, there is video on facebook, video on twitter, product videos, even Spotify (a music service) has video advertisements. If your company hasn’t integrated video into its marketing strategy yet, I’m sure it’s a constant conversation between marketing managers.
Video is no longer a luxury. It’s a necessity.
The Statistics
Want to impress your boss? Here are some of the big stats that are thrown around:
- 65% of video viewers watch more than ¾ of a video
- Over 50% of all mobile traffic is video
- 90% of shoppers find video helpful in making buying decisions.
- Retailers who provide online video to show off their products report that the products with video sell a lot more than products with no video.
- 64% That’s how much more likely website visitors are to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video. In addition, visitors who view videos stay on the site an average of 2 minutes longer than those who don’t view videos, comScore says.
- Shoppers who view video are 1.81X more likely to purchase than non-viewers.
(To view more of these stats, visit the #resources section, at the bottom of the post.)
These stats provide a good baseline for how impactful video can be. However, I want to dive deeper than the finite numbers. These stats don’t reveal the full potential of video – they are just a result. These statistics don’t indicate HOW or WHY your company should use video.
Unique Connections
The most powerful thing about video is it’s innate ability to make a connection with the viewer/customer/consumer/follower. Being a visual medium, video is more engaging than the written word.
Video is the most powerful delivery medium to connect with you audience and customers.
With video, we want to shape the way your customers see your brand. Video should tell stories about your users, empower your customers and make them feel part of a community. Use video as an opportunity – not an obligation.
Unmeasurable Impact
All the stats I started this article serve for finite proof that video is important. But, I think the greatest impacts video has is unmeasurable. When you can create a Moment and inspire someone, it will pay off in the long run. Branded videos that showcase true stories of your company will make consumers UNDERSTAND your brand.
Types of brand video
There are ever-evolving video forms. But, if you’re not sure where to begin, here is a list of common ‘wrappers’ to show your products/services and their impacts. Any video you are going to create will most likely overlap with one of these categories.
Look book
Most common among clothing brands, a ‘look book’ video shows your targeted audience using and wearing your product.
This type of video is impactful because it allows creative freedom to show off the vibe of your product. It allowed the targeted viewer to relate to the people in the video interacting with the product. Often, they will place themselves in the shoes of the actors in the video.
Product videos
Product videos are to show you the product alone. This is purely to show the consumer EXACTLY what the product looks like, what features it has, and even how it fits.
This is the most clear way to show your consumer what they are getting. The idea is to remove any ambiguity or doubt about what a product looks like, and how it functions. These videos have proven to directly impact sales.
Athlete Stories
Athlete stories can take on a range of different forms, but usually, it entails sponsored athletes or brand ambassadors talking about specific trips they have taken, or obstacles they have overcome. Rarely do the athletes mention the brand. These videos function to keep the audience keenly aware that this athlete represents the brand.
Rarely is the viewer watching these videos because they are genuinely interested in the brand. They are more motivated by seeing the adrenaline filled feats of the athlete, the exotic locations, and first ascents. An underutilized approach is using the athlete or ambassador as a role model, and encouraging the user to use the brand in the way that the athlete is.
User Stories
User Stories show how a brand or product has shaped the way that a consumer interacts with the world. This could either be how the product has impacted them directly, or helped them overcome an obstacle. Since there isn’t a major name attached to the video, these video have to uphold a strong narrative to get the viewer to watch – versus an athlete story which uses name recognition as a crutch in user views.
User stories can be extremely effective. A user story should empower the cunsumer and make them feel like the hero, or part of a community.
Educational series
An educational series is a set of videos that explain WHY a brand is important to its space. For instance, if you are a water filter company, it is important to explain why using a water filter is crucial to avoid getting sick in the backcountry. Additionally, it would be helpful to explain the science behind how a water filter works, and why it’s important to replaced the filter every so often. This educational series could further dip into why hydration is so important, and what will happen to your body as you become dehydrated.
The main goal of educational videos are to provide value to the viewer. Often, these are a great way to onboard new users. It allows a brand to gain authority in its space. And often, if a user connects with these videos, they will look to this brand to provide the product they need.
Episodics are a series of videos that are sponsored by a brand. These videos rarely speak specifically to a product – similar to athlete stories. These are purely for viewer entertainment.
The main goal of episodics is to keep viewers coming back – like any television show. Hopefully, viewers tune in every week to see the new episode. This eventually will create brand recognition after seeing your logo before every video.
Event videos
Event videos typically show a recap of an event sponsored by your brand.
Of all the videos, this probably has the least impact. However, depending on the event, it can be a great way to show how your brand interacts with the community. Also, if it’s a charitable event, the video can show what ideals your brand is aligned with. Though the impactful type of video directly to the consumer, it can be the most impactful for building awareness.
Above all, video is a time to be creative. It’s a time to not only just tell people about your brand, but SHOW them. The types of brand video mentioned above are purely common constructs. None have a strict code or forumla to follow. The more you can blur the lines of marketing, education, and entertainment, the more viewership and engagement you will receive. Use this article as a jumping off point as to what your next brand video will be.